
"Let Your Fire Fall" Alabaster Grace

Let Your Fire Fall Cover Art

Let Your Fire Fall

Album: Single
Writers: Joan and Brad Perry
Licensing: © 2023 Brad and Joan Perry Publishing (ASCAP)
Song Length: 3:53
Format: Inspo, Americana, AC/CHR
Contact: Alabaster Grace

Website: Alabaster Grace

AG B and J standing up


The newly released song, “Let Your Fire Fall” has been in Alabaster Grace's inventory for quite a while. It started out almost sounding like a classic rock song, but after pulling it out and working on it, the “vibe” changed. This song is now acoustically driven with multiple acoustic guitars arranged and played by Brad. In a sense, it has a guitar orchestra feeling with keys and percussion added. The theme of the song is for God’s people to be empowered to do His will through the power of the Holy Spirit. The lyrics, “Let Your fire fall down in us, we need You,” area plea to God to fill us with His power and presence.


Alabaster Grace had a vision of what happened to the disciples when the Holy Spirit came down in tongues of fire. Today, more than ever, we need to rekindle the passion of walking as God’s children so that our world can experience the life-giving power of God.


Scripture Reference: And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. (Acts2:3-4) ESV


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